Theme verse:
I am certain that God who began a good work within you will continue His work until it is finished.
Phil. 1:6.
For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God
Food: make the food into materials buy adding title cards to identify (if you want mine I can email you). Watermelon – bricks, carrots and celery – nails, chips – wood chips, pretzel sticks – logs, pasta salad – screws, bugles – construction cones, etc. and display them in dump trucks, clean buckets etc.
Cake: I also made a cake that looked like builder hat (using chocolate ganache, marshmallow fondant, and moist fudge cake. YUMMY – if you want recipe just message me, was easier than it looks).
Signs: I got some construction CAUTION TAPE and decorated everything, I also made “warning” signs with the verses on them, etc., the party favors were building projects(cars,boats, trucks, planes) for them to do at home. ACMOORE - $1.50 each
CAN YOU BUILD IT? – Divide the kids into teams of 2 or 3. Object: with the random materials provided (caution tape, blocks, toys, etc.) as a team build a structure that will survive. The first team that builds the structure then takes it to the destination and returns with it, and it still stands, wins.“ If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward.” 1 Cor. 3:14
TOOL TOSS – Divide the kids into 2 teams. Have an even amount of toy tools or blocks in 2 buckets. Have a bin or toy dump truck on other side of the room or a few feet away if outside. Objective: to try to get the most tools/blocks/etc into the bin/dumptruck in 2 minutes. Each team member get a chance to throw the toy into the bin then it is the next team members turn.
DRESS THE BUILDER - Divide the kids into two teams and have them select one team member to dress. Give each team a T-shirt, a flannel shirt, jeans, socks, work gloves, goggles, tool belt, tools, etc. The first team to dress the person wins the game. Another variation of this game is to have each team take a roll of caution tape and wrap it around one kid until he's completely covered. First team to finish wins.