- they don't practice what they preach
- they crush people with unbearable religious demands and "rules" and never lift a finger to ease the burden of these "rules"
- everything they do is to show off or show others how good they are
- they love to sit at the head of the table or seats of honor, they love to be exalted or honored by man
- they shut the door to the Kingdom of Heaven in people's faces
- they don't even go into the door themselves
- they cross land and see to make a "convert" then they teach them to be twice the hypocrite they are.
- they are more concerned about their fancy religious buildings than they are of the God that makes something/someone holy.
- they are more concerned with the gifts given to God than God whom the gifts are for.
- they are careful to tithe on everything they earn and receive but they ignore the most important aspects of God's law - Justice, Mercy, and Faith.
- they cheat the poor then pretend to know God by making long prayers in public.
- they are careful to APPEAR holy but inside they are filthy, full of greed and SELF-INDULGENCE!
- on the outside they appear like people that do good and are right but inwardly their hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.
- they remember publicly the profits and martyrs of long ago that were obviously people sent by God. yet it was their ancestors, religious people like them that murdered and persecuted them.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
SMACK list
Thursday, May 26, 2011
way bigger than us
Months ago in search for people who help the Romani (Gypsies) of Eastern Europe, Daniela discovered Global Partners and the work we are doing in Slovakia with the Romani people. Recently she started Yoy Dally, a non-profit organization, to raise awareness and funds to help the Romani people.
Her compassion for the Romani began in her childhood as she watched the discrimination of her Romani friend.
Last Night she hosted a Benefit in New York, New York where proceeds were given to help us, Global Partners in Peace and Development, help the Romani. This charity event included live Romani music by Vadim Kolpakov (who was the lead guitarist on tour with Madonna) , distinguished Romani speaker Dr. Petra Gelbart, the photography of Yan Yoors, a Roma-inspired fashion show introduced by Lotte Verbeek of “The Borgias” , the background spins of DJ Joro Boro and my favorite speaker and the most handsome man in the world, my hubby, Jonathan D. Grooms.

It was a huge success with around 250 guests. See our facebook page for more pic of the event.
The Romani have very difficult lives, many are discriminated against, most do not get an education and do not have job skills. In Slovakia more than 80% of them are unemployed. The Romani children are many times put in special ed classes simply because they are Romani.
Our desire for some time is to start a Romani Center in the Hore Hronie region of Slovakia. We believe that this project will not only help meet the basic needs the Romani people have today, but will truly help them in the years to come.
The purpose of the center would be to enable this new generation of Romani people to get out of the poverty cycle and build a life with meaning and true hope that comes from God.
This community center would be open daily, as a safe place for children to come, have fun, play sports, play music and learn. Classes would be given to meet the needs of adults and young adults to prepare them for life. Such as “How to manage finances”, “How to improve their health” (nutrition, hygiene - many Romani people are sick year after year due to lack of basic nutrition), “How to read.” (many are illiterate), basic work skills to get a job, and world view classes. The center would advise students and help keep them in school as well as teaching them practical vocational skills.
We praise God for what He is doing to show love to the Romani and i feel so humbled that we can be a part of humongous plan.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
my little sprout
Jeriah is my little thinker, my listener, my cuddler, my laugher, my "moma's boy"... he likes dirt, "bob bob's" (any heavy machinery including a riding lawn mower), bikes, slides, chocolate, his daddy and me. He has been all over the world in his little life and is a great traveler.
When i was thinking of him and what to do for his celebration... all that could come to mind was how much God was and is growing my little sprout. This verse seemed to fit well for a celebration theme.
Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Colossians 2:7
So we had a tree for a cake...
And dirt for an additional dessert...
(2 instant chocolate pudding mixes, Oreo cookies crushed in a blender, edible candy grass, and gummy worms)
A big fresh salad with yummy garden veggies (notice the garden shovels)...
"Growing" games and projects... (God was watering our yard most of Jeriah's party so a lot of the games we did inside instead of outside).
GARDEN TREASURE HUNT (take pictures of growing things outside, the first child to bring all 5 items to you wins)
PLANTING VEGGIES (kids like dirt)
RAKE RACE (have 3 children's garden tools and some rocks or pine cone, they have 10 seconds to see who can rake the most up - they really liked this one)
Family and friends to join us...
Every celebration we invite people to come early and pray over the birthday boy. It was a sweet time this year. Jeriah sit so calmly in mawmaw's lap and let us pray.
Here are links to other themed birthday celebrations we have had.
God is our Builder theme
He is thinkn about me (sand) theme
It is such a great time to reflect and thank God for the precious life he has blessed us with.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Feast of Booths 2011
Feast of Tabernacle
The Feast of Tabernacles (referred to Biblically in Leviticus 23:34, Deuteronomy 16:13, Zechariah 14:16-19, John 7:2) is a seven-day Biblical festival also known as the Feast of Booths/Tents (found in Nehemiah 8:14). It is celebrated by a number of Christians who have observed correlations between the Old Testament Festivals and New Testament Scriptural evidence that both Christ and the Apostles observed and taught these Holy Days to Early Christians, Jew and Gentile alike. It is one of the most important holy days as it lasts the longest and normally requires a great deal of preparation and travel to be able to attend. The Feast of Tabernacles includes travel to a place away from home in God’s nature often in tents or booths. Observing daily celebration and storytelling of the greatness of God and the great things He has done throughout that year. Including family worship to God.
Suggested Agenda below: (no need to do it in this order or manner) Sometimes takes about 30-45 minutes daily.
Day 1: Remember
“Remember His wonderful deeds, His marvels, and the judgments from His mouth.”
1 Chron. 16:12
Take time to remember and right down all of the marvelous deeds he has done throughout the year and then pray and thank Him. Record them in your family Journal.
Day 2: Tell
“I may tell of all your praises, and rejoice in salvation.” Psalm 9:14,Luke 10:20
Tell of all the things He has done and what He has taught you about Him/His character. Share them with other families that have joined the feast or with each other.
Day 3: Worship
“You should exult His works, sing about them.”Job 36:24
Corporate singing God’s praises as a family. Maybe even some dancing. :)
Day 4: Past
“Remember His Deeds His miracles of long ago.” Psalm 77:11
Read through out loud stories of things He has done in the past and through records from past Feast of Tabernacles.
Day 5: His Name Praise Walk.
“Remember My name for all generations” Ex. 3:15
While walking outside speak and list names of God. Creating ones or speaking already known ones that He has shown to your personally and as a family throughout the year. And prayer/praise walk together.
Day 6: His Love
“Rejoice in His testimonies and riches.” Psalm 119:14
Read through Psalm 136 together and then speak out loud our own testimonies with each time all saying together out loud “His faithful love endures forever.”
Day 7: Lord’s Supper
“Do this in remembrance of Me.” 1 Cor.11:24-25
Remember His mighty grace and salvation by reading the scripture and taking the Lord’s Supper together for family members who have made decisions to follow God. Also take time to right down prayer requests for the next year and pray in faith for them together.