This is one of my favorite pictures of Holly. It was taken a
few months before she was diagnosed with stage 4 Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer. A
little over 3 years later she left this world.
Her littles are still little but seem a lot more “grown up”
inside now. Her oldest will be 14 this fall. Her youngest is 4 years old now. He was still nursing when Holly was diagnosed.
Death and sickness can bring the worst and the best out in
people. Though I know there were days of sadness deep in Holly before she
passed… there was a strong peace that lead her throughout her last few years
here. And her faith was contagious.
Heaven is where most of us want to be. Free of sin, sadness,
sickness, doing what we were created to do - worship and fellowship with God. At
times I can see Holly, like in the garden of Eden.. walking around with her
biggest smile laughing with Jesus as he puts his strong arm around her
shoulders and she looks down.. about to burst with joy. I know she is the happiest she has ever been.

Heaven and death were not scary for Holly. When she was
young she made God boss of her life. She loves Him. We walked that path toward
heaven together from childhood encouraging each other throughout life. Holly’s
love language was quality time so getting eternity with her Heavenly father was
a blessing in her eyes.
Holly always had a stubbornness about her. I think we both
come from a long line of women that do. It is a good thing though for all of us
and has gotten us through life’s trials. She was strong in her desire to do
what made God happy. I think it was her God
given stubbornness that kept her fighting so long for those extra moments with
her kids or maybe just God's grace.
Over a year before Holly was diagnosed she said God showed
her that she wouldn’t have much time. She would be like Moses’ mother and only
have a few years with her littles to instill in them God’s truth and then she
would have to leave them. At the time it didn’t make since. She stored it in
her heart and continued to pour love and Truth in her children.
Holly was doing so well. It wasn’t until November of last
year when she had an MRI that showed 60+ tumors on her brain that things begin
to take more major changes. We prayed that her brain would stay clear
and miraculously it did till the end. Such a blessing for the children to have
her with a clear mind to show and speak love to them even till her very last
In the last two years I have shed a mountain of tears, I
have felt like I wrested with the Holy Spirit. But my tears are only a cupful
compared to what my mother, Bryant and the girls have shed.
I wrestled with God’s healing. I have prayed many prayers
over the years and known God was going to answer them the way I wanted, I felt
a peace. I have seen God heal people from impossible circumstances and
sicknesses over and over again.
Yet every time I prayed for Holly… I didn’t
have that peace. I asked God for more faith thinking He wasn’t giving me the
faith I needed to answer this one the way I wanted. Then I thought maybe it was
too close to home…maybe there was fear in my heart. But the truth was I did feel
a peace… the same peace Holly felt…
In January Holly looked very close to the door of death. In
the hospital I asked her how she did it - went through all she was going
through and didn’t fear or worry for her children. She said that she “Trusted
God”. If He wanted her home with Him then He would provide all that her
children needed. He would care for them. That peace got her through every day.

Everything always seemed simple to Holly.
She took God at his word. She feared and
loved Him.
In the summer Holly was doing seemingly well and had lived a
lot longer than the Doctors had expected. None of us were thinking that it
was the day or even month that she would pass away. We all were
hoping for more time.
She went to the hospital because she couldn’t breath well.
It seemed very normal to us…. Holly had been to the hospital so many times over
the past year and each time we were trying to keep a calm heart. She hated people making a fuss over her. When Bryant
called…. My heart dropped. After Jonathan came for the kids, I went to the
hospital. Even then it was confusing… was there a possibility she could come
out of this? We waited as the Doctors worked. Then came the news that none of
us really had expected. I was so overwhelmed.
I didn’t know what to do. A part of me wanted to lay on her
body and pray like Elisha did and the other part knew….. she was heading to the
happiest she was ever going to be… she was doing what she was created to do….she
was free….. And like everything else in life… she beat me to it.
I touched her foot… a foot I had rubbed countless times over
the years. I wanted her to wake up and then I knew we had to let her go. God
had said her days were numbered and this was the last one. It was so hard but peace cover us... God is truly close to the broken hearted.
These past months I have seen lifetime dreams and prayers of
Holly’s come true. I wonder if God gives her glimpses of them. I miss her
terribly. I so wish I could talk to my big sister now… that I could get phone
call from heaven with the daily report of what is going on and what its really is
like and any advise for this temporary life i could gather.
Each of us miss her terribly. I am so proud of Bryant…. God
has given him exactly what he needs during this season. Bryant and her started dating in highschool
and they were married the fall after she graduated. They too grew up together.
Each of us have this peace even though we miss her… we are
doing as she modeling so strongly to us… trusting God.
A sister is a life-time companion though many miles have
separated us over the years… we have loved each other. Now the chasm is too
great to see with human eyes. But somehow I feel close…. And the truth is …in a
blink of an eye… my life too will pass…. And I will see her again. And she will
greet me in heavens doors. This life is truly short.
So many meaningless things we fill our time and thoughts
with. Silly things we worry or fuss about… so many wasted moments. I want the rest of my moments on this little
earth to truly bring glory to HIM to truly show this love I have tasted.
Holly seemed to always have a thankful heart. All who knew
her close knew she genuinely and sacrificially loved her husband and children.
I asked her once after her diagnoses if she could do
anything, go anywhere what would she want to do. She said she was already doing
what she wanted to do… homeschool her children and make dinner for her husband.

There was no unfinished task or no wanting for something
else… she was doing what she was called to do…and she did it fully even to the
very day before she died.
Holly will always be someone I look up to. A heroine in my
I pray one day I can be as content, thankful, and confident
in my Maker as she was.