Sunday, February 20, 2011
vrooom vrooom
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
3 days left
Monday, February 14, 2011
Mary part 2!
This past year seven year old Mary came to one of our homes in India. Her relatives loved her but couldn’t afford to feed her and care for her. In November we received a call from our main national partner. Mary was visiting with a relative, and while the relative was away at work someone came and stole her.
Our hearts were broken. The police searched but could not find her. They told us that were many stolen children in that area and none of them had ever been found. We rallied people to pray but humanly it looked bleak.
This past weekend we received word that after 2 months, a sheer miracle from God, they found Mary. She was stolen by a Hindu family and made a slave. Now she is safe and secure.
God does not forget the cry of any child. Even though the world may forget their existence He values every life He creates. He rescued Mary!
The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you. Sing praises to the Lord who reigns in Jerusalem. Tell the world about his unforgettable deeds. For He cares for the helpless. He does not ignore the cries of those who suffer. Psalm 9:9-12
There over 25 million children just like Mary that need someone to show them love.

Friday, February 11, 2011
Love is...

Friday, February 4, 2011
seize the day life lessons part #3
We memorized Psalm 118:24... thanks to somebody who made it into a song …it was pretty easy.
Elijah thoroughly enjoyed story time. i read all the verses and passages from the Bible to him in story format and drew a picture about the story that he colored. Though my drawing lacked a lot... he didn't mind...he was in quite an artistic mood this month. The pics below is all of his art for the month.

We did an activity or art project about every day. Emphasizing all verses that teach us what God thinks about how we should live every day of our life. It was so powerful! Here are just a few highlights from the month…
Number of my days
Verse: Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Psalm 39:4-5
Time: 45 min You will need: Bag of beans (lentils work well), 12x12 scrap paper or any thick paper, Large Picture of the child face or whole body, Glue

Ant Farm (teaching diligence)
Verses: Proverbs 6:6-11 You will need: 2 glass jars/or fish bowl (one large and one smaller jar or tube that will fit into large one),
Ants (You can purchase these fairly cheap or go searching for an ant mound of your own, avoid red ants that bite), Dirt,
Shovel, hammer, thumb tack

On the top of the metal lid hammer small holes for air with thumb tack. Place the smaller jar/tube into the larger one. This will help the ants to build their tunnels where you can see them and not in the center. Then shovel dirt in the larger jar and add ants and place lid on it. Ant like building in the dark so keep them in a dark room or closet when you are not viewing them. If you are capturing your own ants, capture get as many as you can including the larger ones, little white eggs and the ones with wings (queen ant possibly). If ants are not available you can order them online. Since it is cold here and ants are not running about yet I bought mine for 4.95 free shipping: Ants like to eat small bread crumbs, or bread dipped in sugar water or with a drop of honey. They can also eat tiny bits of fruit and vegetables but don't feed them too much or their tank can get cluttered before they can remove it to their underground storage space.To water your new pets, let your child drop a water soaked cotton ball into the jar. Most of the liquid ants need they can get from their food but it is a good idea to add a new wet cotton ball every few days as needed. Avoid moving the “Farm”. After Ant farm has been building for a few days take time to observe. Talk about how diligently they work to build their home: What are the ants doing? Are they sleeping? Are they working hard?

Drawing Dinner
Verse: So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Time: Dinner time. (5 minutes prep) You will need: One large sheet of white or light colored paper (Recycle and use the white side of old wrapping paper), table cloth, Markers or crayons

Before dinner place table cloth on table for padding and then cover completely with one large sheet of paper. Write the verse large in the middle. Then set the dinner table. Dinner time is such a great time of day to relax and spend time together as a family. Invite the family to dine and draw and color all you did that day and discuss what you each of you did and how you did it to bring fame to God and joy to Him or things you learned about Him that day.
Daily i think about these two dear women that i have had the privilege of knowing. Please pray for Jimmy, Kathy’s husband, it has already been a week since her passing.. and i don’t know what he is going through but i just can’t imagine.
During my Texas years serving Teen Mania both of these women with a few others would get together and pray for me. They would write me encouraging notes spurring me along. God used these intercessors in a powerful way in my life and all over the world. Their life example encourages me to pray fervently for others.... this along with all of the scriptures in this study have really began a transforming work deep within me....hard to put into words yet.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
hosting kings