God’s majestic name fills the earth! If we were to measure the His greatness it would be higher than the stars. God taught children and babies tell of His strength and make God’s enemies afraid of Him.
When we look at the night sky we see the work of His fingers which set the moon and the stars in their place. Why would this big wonderful God even think or care about us? Yet He does. He loves us and crowns us with honor. He makes us in charge of all of His creation. All of the animals, birds, fish, and everything in the sea from the smallest to the largest.
Like the stars in the night sky and all of creation we can make His name known. The stars speak without a sound proclaiming to the whole world God’s wonderfulness. The Sun bursts with great heat and light that no one can hide from. It shouts to the world how wonderful God is. God simple words made the skys, the stars, and the universe. With His words He locked the seas and the ocean with the land. With His simple command the world began and everyone in the world should be in awe of Him.
God’s plans last forever and cannot be shaken. God looks at us from heaven and sees every single person in the world! He watches each of us. He made our hearts so he understands everything we do. We should put our whole trust in Him. The greatest army can’t save a king nor is great strength enough to save a warrior. You can’t count on anything to save you but God. God watches over people who fear Him, people who depend on His unfailing love. He rescues them from death and keeps them alive during hard times. We can trust in God’s unfailing love and make His name know to everyone in the world just as the stars in the sky do.
Psalm 8, Psalm 19:1-6, Psalm 33:6-19, Isaiah 66:1-2
Art Project: Star Art
Verse: He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension! Psalm 147:4-5 Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with your hands. Psalm 102:25
Lesson: God know the number of all the stars in the universe and has a name for every one! HE IS AMAZING!
Time: 5 minutes
You will need: Tooth pick, black construction paper
Description: Take the tooth pick and poke small holes all throughout the paper. If you place a thick towel under the paper and poke the holes through the top it works a little easier. Afterwards hold the picture up to a light in a dark room or a window in a dark room and observe your stars in the sky. Count them together and then reflect on how many stars that God created and how great He is!
Activity: Life giving Hike or Walk
Verse: God, the Lord, created the heavens and stretched them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth. Isaiah 42:5 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. Psalm 24:1-2
Lesson: God gave us the air we need to breath and to live and walk His beautiful earth! He made everything and everything belongs to HIM!
You will need: a safe place to walk or hike
Time: 20 minutes or more.
Directions: Before you start your walk or hike, read the verses and discuss the lesson. As you are walking point out interesting things God made and thank Him for them. Maybe bring a bucket to collect. Ask the children what if “_____” belongs to God. And remind them that everything belongs to Him.
Verse: For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything. Hebrews 3:4 He is the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. Ephesians 3:15
Lesson: Who has built everything? God did! We can build many things in our life time but never as many as God has built. Name 10 things that God has made!
Side Lesson: This is an opportunity to learn basic engineering skills. Talk about what boxes to stack where in order for the house to be build strongly and let them try and retry building their house.
You will need: 15 to 30 boxes both big and small (you can use cereal boxes, diaper boxes, or boxes from your recyclable bin), tape
Directions: People build house but God is the builder of everything. He made the trees that made what it takes to make these boxes. Build a strong house for you to play in with the boxes and tape provided.
Elijah made a home in India for the children with out mommies and daddies.. we even had to get on an airplane to go to India. :) Very cool!