Friday, January 14, 2011

His perspective

Our life is but a breath, how quickly i forget this and waist my little life away. These projects have given me very special time with my little ones teaching them God's perspective from God's word and the difference our one little life can make when we live it for Him, through His strength, and with Him.

Here is a quick fun little lesson:

Verse: So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Time: 5 minutes

You will need: one sheet of standard paper, Rubber band or ribbon, A few books

Roll paper together in a wide cylinder then rubber band or knot tie. Place paper on a flat surface cylinder up and then place books one by one on the cylinder. Share the verse and discuss - a flimsy piece of paper can be sturdy and strong enough to hold really heavy things if it is arranged into the right form. Just like when we let God change us and form us we can be strong and do enthusiastically whatever He asks us to do.

This next one is good to teach little ones that life is but a breath but we can make an impact that will last forever (into eternity) if we make Jesus the center of our lives.

i think sometimes it can be hard to talk about life being short with our little ones because a majority of our society believes this is the only life they have. Teaching truth, God's thoughts, to my little ones will helps them and me to see the world as He does. This truth helps us be grateful for every moment of life He has given us and make a difference with the little lives we have. Everyday matters!!

Verse: Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Psalm 39:4-5

Time: 20 minutes

You will need: half a sheet of white poster board (one per child), bubbles (homemade bubble recipe below), paint or food coloring (several colors if desired), bubble wands, empty cups

(one of my silly boys)

The best location for this art project is either outside or in bathroom/bathtub. Write the verse on the poster. Pour bubbles in the cups and stir in a few drops paint and/or food coloring. Blow different colored bubbles on the paper. When the art work is complete read the verse and talk about how brief our life is. Discuss how it take a breath to make a bubble. Like a bubble our life is here then gone but we can with Jesus in us just like the paint is in these bubbles make an impact for eternity (forever). And just like this painting is beautiful God wants to make something beautiful of the short life we have if we will let Him.

To make 1 gallon of bubbles: 10 cups of distilled water, 1 cup of Dawn or Joy dishwashing detergent, ¼ cup of white Karo syrup or glycerin.

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