Instead of the 2 to 4 months from submitting the dossier it looks like now it will be a year wait till we are even matched with a child... i thought for sure by next Christmas i would be holding our child in our arms, maybe even by summer... and when i saw the email in my inbox tonight my heart even lept to think maybe this is about our child...
i keep thinking about all of the orphaned children out there ... it is hard to understand why it is so difficult to give them a home.
i know God is in control...just shared that speech earlier with a dear friend facing different disappointments...but now i find my self having to trust Him as well when the plan changes and know He has got everything under control...
Though i know this in my head.. my heart is not at the place of rejoicing.
Funny thing... the verse we are meditating on this month as a family is:
This is the day that the Lord has made and i will rejoice in it. Psalm 118:24
Lord, help me to put my trust in You and Your plan and rejoice in Your will no matter what it is! You can move the heavens! You will bring the child you have chosen for us in our arms in your perfect timing.
Sorry to hear this, Heidi! Hope still reigns... just like this news came suddenly, it could change again, right? Praying that God's sovereignty brings peace and that He moves on your behalf! I, too, always wonder why it's so hard and complicate to place these children... when someone WANTS them, why does it have to be so difficult! and then ppl that SHOULDN"T have them end up with them... ugh.