Saturday, September 17, 2011
what if we....
baby love

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
God is Powerful
BIBLE STUDY: Luke 5: 1-11 (Jesus make's Simons boat overflow with fish),
You will need: white coffee fliters, markers, water, paint brushes, aluminum foil, glue stick, and paper clips - to make fishing pole you will need a magnet tied to a string tied to a stick.
Flatten coffee filter, color with marker randomly with different colors. Paint water onto filter and watch the colors spread as it absorbs water. Let dry. When dry cut out in the shape of a fish. With a marker mark the eye. Glue scraps of aluminium as shinny scales. Attach paper clip and throw in basket. Have the children fish in one place with out fish and then talk about how Jesus showed his power to Simon by making fish were they seemed to be no fish.
SNACK: Make a Berry Blue Jell-O in a clear glass bowl. Refrigerate for an hour. push some swedish fish in the bowl. Yummy and fun.

ART PROJECT: Bean Art (God sending fire on the alter - based on our Bible study on 1 Kings 18:1-40)

Parting Water
ACTIVITY: God is powerful
You will need: a large magnet, plastic (see through) container with lid, lots of random metal that fits in container (paper clips, nails, screws, etc.)
Put metal in container and close lid tightly. Talk about the magnet (we even read books about how they work). And have them test the power of the magnet by placing it on the container and watching the stuff stick. Discuss how God made the the stuff that makes up a magnet and that He is all powerful. verse: Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! He is to be feared above all other gods. Psalm 96:4
ART PROJECT: Mountian melt like wax (based on our Bible study on Psalm 29 and 97)
You will need: crayons with paper removed, grader, 2 10x10 inch wax papers, 2 hand towels, iron (hot - keep out of reach of the children), ruler or straight edge, marker, tape, and one sheet of construction paper.
We read Psalm 29, then you tubed how crayons are made - to watch wax melt, we you tubed volcanoes (mountains melting), thunder and lightening, hurricanes, and tornadoes as well to show what the verses were describing. We talked about how powerful God is.
Place one hand towel on table. Make sure iron is on but out of reach of children. Place one wax paper on the hand towel. With the grader shave different color crayons on to the wax paper. When covered at least half way, with a ruler make the shape of a mountain or triangle. Place other wax paper on top then place hand towel on top of that. Press hot iron firmly over the hand towel checking to see if crayon shaving have melted. Once complete, cut a matching mountain shaped hole in construction paper and tape wax paper to back side and write the verse: Psalm 97:5 The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth.
(sorry no picture... still hanging in our window will try to get a picture)
One of the songs we sang....
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
He made the trees
He made the seas
He made the elephants too
My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do
Saturday, September 10, 2011
the coolest school ever...
Remember when God created everything... He started with the world. We are going to make a world...
Things you will need: newspapers, 1 ballon, flour, water, spoon to mix glue, old container to mix glue in, paint brushes, pencil, paint
1. Make papier mache glue by combining 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of water. Boil 4 cups of water in a pot on the stove and stir the glue mixture into the boiling water. Simmer it for about 3 minutes and let it cool.
2. Tear or cut the newspapers into strips approximately 1-inch wide. Dip the strips of newspaper, one at a time, in the glue, or apply the glue to the paper with a brush. Inflate the balloon and cover it with newspaper strips, about 3 layers deep. If you have time, allow the papier mache globe to dry between each layer, but if not, be sure it has several days to dry after it is completely covered.
3. Poke the balloon with a needle to pop.
4. Draw a pencil outline of the contents on it.
6. Paint the water blue and the continents green or whatever color you wish.
Art Project: God filled the world people (bubble wrap painting)
You will need: cut out big circle from cardboard (old box), paint, paint brush, paint shirts, wet paper towels, bubble wrap.
Have them paint the bubble wrap with different colors then stamp the painted bubble wrap on the board. Discuss how God made so many people with different languages, cultures(ways they live), and different ways they look - these different groups of people are called: nations. Pray over the nations of the world.