His schooling includes....
Bible - What we have been doing through this past year where we study most of the scripture on a specific subject and have activities and art projects that correspond. See the following post "God is POWERFUL" it is the second part of what i have been teaching the kids.. "Who is God?" (first part was "God is CREATOR"-previously blogged)
Reading - We are doing this book...
which i like so far. i did have one day where my patience ended but after i realized it is okay if we don't get through the 20 minute lesson everything will all be just fine.. then things seemed to work better for the both of us. On Friday Elijah read his first two words by sounding them out. He is also learning to write letters! Mommy's so proud!
Science - We are reading books and Youtubing videos. The past two weeks we looked at things that God created that are powerful and discussed how much more powerful He was than His creation we also looked more at the human anatomy in which Elijah is fascinated with.
World - Which includes some great books (a few below). This month we are focusing on the whole world. In the following months we will be talking about specific areas of the world.
We talked about the shape of the world and read books on mapping.
And made this cool paper machette world...
Art Project: God made the WORLD with His great POWER (Paper Mache world)
Remember when God created everything... He started with the world. We are going to make a world...
Things you will need: newspapers, 1 ballon, flour, water, spoon to mix glue, old container to mix glue in, paint brushes, pencil, paint
1. Make papier mache glue by combining 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of water. Boil 4 cups of water in a pot on the stove and stir the glue mixture into the boiling water. Simmer it for about 3 minutes and let it cool.
2. Tear or cut the newspapers into strips approximately 1-inch wide. Dip the strips of newspaper, one at a time, in the glue, or apply the glue to the paper with a brush. Inflate the balloon and cover it with newspaper strips, about 3 layers deep. If you have time, allow the papier mache globe to dry between each layer, but if not, be sure it has several days to dry after it is completely covered.
3. Poke the balloon with a needle to pop.
4. Draw a pencil outline of the contents on it.
6. Paint the water blue and the continents green or whatever color you wish.

(we made these out of old maps and sea shells and pistachio shells.)
We talked about land and water and the variety God has made. Which went right along with the Bible truths we were discussing. We even went on a field trip in the rain to a near by river to discuss what a river looked like and get a visual of a smaller version of the overflowing Jordan River in Joshua 3 of the Bible where God held up the water so people could pass through.
We talked about where nations began (tower of babel - Genesis 11:1-9) and what they are.
One of the art projects we did below to represent the different people around the world....
Art Project: God filled the world people (bubble wrap painting)
You will need: cut out big circle from cardboard (old box), paint, paint brush, paint shirts, wet paper towels, bubble wrap.
Have them paint the bubble wrap with different colors then stamp the painted bubble wrap on the board. Discuss how God made so many people with different languages, cultures(ways they live), and different ways they look - these different groups of people are called: nations. Pray over the nations of the world.
A great matching game with different faces from around the world...

One of the biggest thoughts that stuck with Elijah were the stories and pictures of the street children around world. Page 36-37 of this book (one of my favs).
Each day we go to our map and pray over the world. He prayed so sincerely for the "children that sleep on the streets" and has every day since mentioned them in his prayers.... i already see God giving Him His compassion for the people of the world.
i really love teaching my boys. i guess we are teaching them all of the time whether it is proactive or not... they are such sponges and are watching everything we say and do...really makes you evaluate yourself...... hmmmm.... scary. :)
Oh Heidi! I LOVE this! Elijah is so blessed that you have taken the time to create such a God centered and curriculum rich preschool program for him. If only more parents did that! When my time comes I'll have to buy the curriculum from you! :)