Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
You are with me
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23
Today a remarkable friend went to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. She was 54 years young. Jesus was her reason for living. Kathy was a woman with joy despite the trials, with hope when all others had lost it, her cup was always full and overflowing even when it looked empty to others. Why? Because the joy of the Lord was her strength. February 20th, 2009 she was told she had lumps in her breast on a routine checkup. Within a week she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went through surgeries, chemo, and radiation and all signs showed she was clear. This past fall they detected cancerous cells and then discovered tumors on her liver and lungs. Through medical trials her lungs became clear...but the cancer in the liver grew too quickly.
Last night as i was praying over her weak and failing body and reading God's word to her... i kept seeing her laughing at the days to come. At the time i didn't know if that would be because of God's healing for her here or her healing as she entered heaven.
Many people loved this woman. She has been one of my prayer warriors since i was around 16 years old. Constantly praying and encouraging me spuring me on in my relationship with God. Always there for me. She will be greatly missed by many. But i know she is laughing now with the lover of her soul.
Please pray for her husband, Jimmy, whom she loved sacrificially and graciously, that he would fall madly in love with the God that was the source of her joy and that God would be his comforter.
We will miss you, Kathleen Rickman!
Monday, January 24, 2011
but a breath

Saturday, January 22, 2011
The dangerous life...
My loving, forgiving, ALL POWERFUL God has been teaching me a lot since I started this blog a year ago. It began with Him graciously showing me again a beautiful of picture what life can be like when I surrender all to Him and not lean on my weak understanding and plans.
He showed me that pride was keeping me from truly seeing Him as He really is and that only through brokenness and in my relationship with Him can He truly transform me into what He created me to be and live the amazing life He has planned for me.
He showed me the influences that I had been allowing in my life that didn’t think like He did and the fact that if I wanted to truly know Him in needed to see how He sees things and the world. On February 17th through His strength I started fasting T.V. and now it is not even a temptation anymore. From May to November I read the whole bible through categorizing every verse and story. Letting His words teach me how He thinks and ultimately showing me how off my thinking has been.
He showed us that that if we want our children to see... that God is real and that God loves them and that we only have one life to live and to truly live it the way we were created to we need a passionate love relationship with Him… then we must show them this life… and we could never even try to do it on our own or anything of any eternal significance for that matter.. we need Him desperately.
He revealed to me my lack of belief by showing me such deep evaluations: If you really believed that I am who I said I am then your life would different. If you really trusted Me then I would be all you really want and need. If you really wanted Me then you would seek me whole heartedly, put Me first, and make Me the boss of your life.
And He began to remind me of another area of my life that I was not seeing like He does. The truth is I know I have been not listening to Him in the area for a long time.
This month as family we are going through all of His words on seizing the day… getting His perspective on what really matters in life and what this life is really all about. His word has been lighting a fire under me. For a long time He has been asking me for my stuff. I have a confession: I like pretty stuff… I don’t have lots and lots of it but I have way more than I need. Most of this stuff I felt I had to buy or spend money on… I would see a "do it yourself" show or pick up that pretty Pottery Barn magazine with all of its matching colors and then I would feel “ inspired” I would buy and build up my little kingdom to look so fine. I would pridefully enjoy it when others would admire.
I would make excuses about spending time and money on this stuff like: I need to use the creative talents God has given me. Or I got a great sale. Or if I don’t have stuff people will think I am weird. Or i just want it, doesn't God want me to have pretty things. He has been replying by showing me verses about His perspective on each of these excuses. And well.... let's just say ouch!
At the end of my life what will this stuff matter? When we all stand before God’s great white throne of judgment and He looks at the way we spent the money and time He gave us… will He say “oh Heidi, I loved what you did with your living room. Or that was one fine color scheme!” No He will not.
I am ashamed that I thought that it was so important to have a sleigh bed for Elijah’s room when I know personally people that don’t even have clean water to drink. I remember that exact magaizine that I saw the picture in it that started the want in me to get that bed... and now i am seeing it for what it really is... one of satan's largest tactics to distract the follower of God.
God convicted me and now this time because of what He has been doing I am ready to listen. When I was twelve I wanted to move to Africa and live in a mud hut to show and share God’s love there. God showed me that even though he hasn’t sent me to Africa or anywhere else yet … He has asked me to live with that same heart here… that nothing else matters except Him and the world knowing and loving Him.
So I am selling my stuff!!!!… I am hoping to come up with at least $2,250 to buy a clean water well for an Indian village before we all head there on February 24th. Sold the first thing today… the headboard to our bed! $200 YAY!… didn’t need that dumb thing anyway! :)
Yes we are heading to India as a family! Just 10 days… booo.. wish it were longer…but excited none the less. P.S... like Jeriah’s visa pictures?

Stuff doesn’t matter, people do. I am just beginning to live like I believe that… it is an amazing freedom. Watch the blog for updates on how He is helping me reach the goal!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sometimes responsibilities stink. For the last several months i have had a grumbling attitude about the random responsibilities of keeping up with our stuff. Isn't it amazing how the more stuff you have the more time it takes to keep up with it... i guess that is another blog though. The whole point is i was grumbling.... a lot...but all the "Seize the Day" fun we are doing really convicted me of my attitude and is helping me to joyful do my duties.
Reading God's word helps me to think like He does... these scriptures in particular and some of the fun things we are doing have helped me get my attitude in check and be diligent about seizing the day. Read below if you or your family needs a little responsibility pep talk.
Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Ephesians 6:7, Colossians 3:23
Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Romans 12:11
Work hard and become a leader, be lazy and become a slave. Proverbs 12:24
Finishing is better than starting patience is better that pride. Ecclesiastes 7:8
We made the nifty magnetic "Responsibility Charts" so we can share responsibilities. Notice Elijah has been promoted to watering plants and feeding worms. The setting the table didn't work out so well. Jonathan folded 5 loads of laundry the other night during the game!! :) I can't tell you how giddy that made me. Jeriah hasn't notice the chart yet :)... maybe next year. The verses above are on each of our charts. These charts are a great way to teach your little ones these verses.
Reading them daily has been reminding me who i am doing it all for... like a gift for God... it is hard to complain when it is a gift for the God who created the universe and gave His son so that we could live forgiven and forever with Him... yeah... yikes... unthankful child i am!

You will need: 3 or 4 sheets of Magnetic Paper (you can make a paper chart but magnets last longer and you waist less paper because it is static), Computer, Printer, Scissors
How to: On any writing program on your computer (I used Microsoft publisher) pull up a blank 8.5x11 paper. Insert a picture of each family member so each one has a chart. Make a section for “To Do” and “Done”. Then in a different colored boxes write regular weekly chore or responsibilities (add some fun ones... i made the fun ones a different color.. it helps them to learn to do everything for Him). Ex: Wash Dishes, Wipe tables, Vacuum or Sweep Floors, Make beds, art project, feed the worms, etc. After you print them cut them out place them on your fridge or a place where all can see.
Take time to introduce the chart to your family talking about the verses that we need to work as we are doing it for God, work enthusiastically and finish. As each child accomplished his or her responsibility take time to review a verse and praise them for their hard work. Each day have new responsibilities on the chart.
Verse: This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
You will need: 2 sheets of Magnetic Paper, Computer, Printer, Scissors, sticky clear paper, dry erase marker.
Introducing the calendar is a great way to teach your little ones about planning. It gives them things to look forward to as well... and just lets you know what is going on along with the rest of the fam. In any computer program start with a blank sheet of paper. I made the little symbols to stick on the different days because visuals are good for my 3 year old. I made separate magnets for the month titles so i can just change out the title. After you print the main calendar carefully and slowly place the clear sticky paper over it while smoothing it out and cut access sticky paper off. Then it is ready to write some dates or events.
If you want me to email you my publisher templates just let me know below and i can email you... then you can insert your pics or change as you like.
Verse: Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Time: depends
You will need: Some chores that need to be done.
As your child does a task do some work yourself and see who can finish first. Example: As your child picks up toys at the ends of the day you wash the dishes and see who finished first. Read the verse before you start the race and explain how to complete the task. I turn on some of my Dance Praise Playlist and we go at it... so much fun for everyone... and we worship God while we are doing it.
Friday, January 14, 2011
His perspective

Our life is but a breath, how quickly i forget this and waist my little life away. These projects have given me very special time with my little ones teaching them God's perspective from God's word and the difference our one little life can make when we live it for Him, through His strength, and with Him.
Verse: So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Time: 5 minutes
You will need: one sheet of standard paper, Rubber band or ribbon, A few books
Roll paper together in a wide cylinder then rubber band or knot tie. Place paper on a flat surface cylinder up and then place books one by one on the cylinder. Share the verse and discuss - a flimsy piece of paper can be sturdy and strong enough to hold really heavy things if it is arranged into the right form. Just like when we let God change us and form us we can be strong and do enthusiastically whatever He asks us to do.
Verse: Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.” Psalm 39:4-5
Time: 20 minutes
You will need: half a sheet of white poster board (one per child), bubbles (homemade bubble recipe below), paint or food coloring (several colors if desired), bubble wands, empty cups
(one of my silly boys)
The best location for this art project is either outside or in bathroom/bathtub. Write the verse on the poster. Pour bubbles in the cups and stir in a few drops paint and/or food coloring. Blow different colored bubbles on the paper. When the art work is complete read the verse and talk about how brief our life is. Discuss how it take a breath to make a bubble. Like a bubble our life is here then gone but we can with Jesus in us just like the paint is in these bubbles make an impact for eternity (forever). And just like this painting is beautiful God wants to make something beautiful of the short life we have if we will let Him.
To make 1 gallon of bubbles: 10 cups of distilled water, 1 cup of Dawn or Joy dishwashing detergent, ¼ cup of white Karo syrup or glycerin.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
a pair of worn out Timberland boots

i woke up at 2:30am this morning pondering a worn out pair of Timberland boots…
A timberland boot is costly but exactly what you need to climb high mountains and walk through the rough terrains of life. It is the wise purchase if that is what you want to do. Many people purchase the boot because it is popular and others have it. Some stand in line for hours waiting for the local outdoor store to open during it’s annual sale in order to get them at a good price. But what happens to a majority of these costly boots?
Often they are worn during one little hike and then kept in the closest for that “some day” adventure one may take. The truth is that if you are not hiking mountains and rough terrain you are mostly wearing a different pair of shoes... loafers will really do for the comfortable life.
i thought about what it would really take to wear out a pair of timberline boots. It would mean going to the dirty places in the world. It would mean long treks through the highest mountains and the lowest valleys…it would mean constantly walking along narrow rough paths. Paths that not many people walk on to places most people don’t go.
These boots are made to withstand water and rain and rocky terrain but many of them just sit the back of closets sometimes even forgotten.
These boots remind me of the life of a follower of Christ. What will I do with my life? Will i sit it in a closet? Maybe take one short little trek then go back to the comfortable life of the loafer? Or will i put them on and start walking…walking to the places where no one else has gone the narrow path that God has planned for my life? Will these boots see hard terrain? Stormy nights and rocky mountain cliffs? Will i use these boots the way they were made to be used? Will i take these boots where they were meant to be taken?
i looked on the internet to try to find an image of a pair of old worn out timberlands but not one could be found… probably because the wearer of an old pair of Timberland boots would wearing them somewhere in the world not posting them on the internet.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
a lesson for us all
Verse: This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Time: 20 minutes
Turn iron on hot and place out of reach of children. Read the verse and discuss what it means to rejoice and who made this day. The sun is a sign that we have a new day to rejoice in Him. Then cut the middle of each paper plate out. Write on the front paper plate edge the verse in marker. Rip 2 pieces of wax paper the size of the paper plate. Place one hand towel down on a flat surface then place one sheet of wax paper then let child arrange crayon shavings in the shape of a sun. Place second wax paper carefully on top then carefully place the second hand towel. Press hot iron firmly on the hand towel until crayons melt (only need a minute or less to melt the crayon shavings). Turn off and set iron out of reach of children. Then have the child place the wax paper between the paper plate edges gluing it all together including the yarn/ribbon on it to hang. Cut off any access hanging wax paper and hang on or near a window to see the light. During morning time refer to the art work and repeat the verse to your child and rejoice!!! :)
We are doing all kinds of things to help us learn the true meaning these verses... i will post a few highlights from the month as we go along...