Thursday, April 26, 2012

the body of Jesus

i feel as though i am a observer... watching Him move through hundreds of obedient souls showing His great love to precious women in India, to the nations, and to my sister.

Holly has been receiving so many encouraging letters, surprising gifts, and yummy meals. I know of over 50 people that I believe are genuinely praying for her and her family daily. It is like watching Him at work... putting His thoughts in one persons heart to do a meal, on another's heart to send a gift card..another's heart an encouraging letter..... all of the people being obedient to God and Him working through them to show her and her family HIS great love and hope! IT is just beautiful.

This India Sewing Training has been the same way... from before the team even went i watched as hundreds of people obeyed their heavenly Daddy and gave finically, helped put together gifts and training materials....gave of their time and talents... so many people involved in so many different ways... and hearing the daily testimonies about the people who went and trained the ladies ....seeing GOD work HIS will as only He can.  It is beautiful!!!!

Like a tapestry, like a dancing body... all the parts being used to produce something spectacular... and all though the dance isn't complete...nor the tapestry finished.... i know He is the one making it and i know it will be beyond anything we can imagine. For the nations knowing His great love and for Holly's life.

Pics from this past trip to India: 

Ladies from second week of sewing training! What a joy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Heidi for blogging so we can keep praying for the things dearest to your heart! Getting excited about Proceeds to Poverty!
