Thursday, December 1, 2011

Celebrate Him!

Christmas and Easter tie as my favorite celebrations of the year. The pure miracle of Jesus, God coming as man to fulfill a purpose only He could fulfill all motivated by His pure character of Love.... it is overwhelming.

The Greatest of all.... immeasurable by humans... coming in the simplest form a new born babe. It leaves me in wonder and awe.

Yesterday we hung stars, sea shells, holly branches....white for purity, and hints of red for the purpose of Jesus. We set out all of the books and movies that remind us of the miracle. Made plans for our feasting and some Christmas cookies. Played the music. All for preparation as we begin our celebration this week for a month long party revolving around the King!

I was lost in wonder … as I saw how giddy my 4 year old was when he noticed I had put up the stable where “Jesus was born”. Simply beautiful. The whole picture. His face… the miracle… our King.

As some of you know i am not much of a Santa fan... on the other hand from my understanding Saint Nicholas was a remarkable Christ follower that God worked through to show HIS great love to so many people. But the modern day Santa ... revolts me a little... to put it bluntly....maybe it is not Santa...maybe it is the materialism that surrounds the character..or the eccessive spending on needless things for the already overwhelming blessed society in his name.

I don't know why it sickness me so... maybe it is just because i am not a fan of anything that attempts to steal man's eyes away from their Amazing Creator God and His real miracles or a child's eyes for that matter. He is worthy of ALL of our attention this celebration season.

So my top ten reasons why we celebrate Jesus and stick Santa ....ummm.... well.... where he belongs. :I

#1 Jesus is real! Santa is pretend!

#2 Jesus existed before man was created! Santa was created by man.

#3 Jesus gives you Himself, all you need! Santa gives you stuff you don't need.

#4 Jesus' gift last forever (even after you die). Santa gifts are only temporary.

#5 Jesus fulfills all your needs and wants. Santa leaves you wanting more.

#6 Jesus provokes selflessness. Santa provokes selfishness.

#7 Jesus gives you true lasting JOY. Santa gives you only passing happiness.

#8 Jesus' miracles are real. Santa miracles aren't real.

#9 Jesus is truth. Santa is a lie.

#10 Jesus is worthy of our attention, affection, and awe. Santa... well.... "he" is not.

So i don't ask my kids what they "want for Christmas?" the very question makes no since. We already received all we could ever want or need on that Christmas long ago.

Psalm 23:1 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

I ask them how they would like to show God's love this Christmas to the world. And what things would they would like to do that would bring pleasure to their Creator God.

This all may sound crazy to some... I hope not to offend you Santa lovers out there... but this season exists to remind us to give Jesus the honor due and He is worthy of all!

(our advent log that we light every night in December during our reading of the purpose of Jesus)


  1. You are beautiful, as always, inside & out.

    But you should know we have Santa place mats this year. I hope we can still be friends.

  2. i love you Leah!!! :) friends always!!!

  3. Perfectly worded Heidi; I may be quoting this post!
