Friday, April 29, 2011

flowers from Uganda

my husband is on his way back from Uganda. YAY!!! Though i missed him dearly i am so excited for his opportunity to show love to people in Uganda.

This trip was unique in that it was the first Gpartners trip to mainly focus on orphans and children with special needs. On the trip were several experts who knew how to help special needs children. The Excutive Director of the Blue Ridge Autism and Achievement Center, Angie Leonard, had a training ciriculum ready for parents and caretakers of the children. They took the time and evaluated each child in several orphanages and then wrote up a guideline for the caretakers to help each child reach their full potential.

Jonathan lead the team and encouraged our Gpartner Associates, The Nesters. God did amazing things through and in this team! Here is just a glimpse of one story from the trip, writing by Jonathan:

A lady, Eva, was walking down the dirt road so I began to talk to her. She spoke English well and was very friendly. As I got about halfway through telling her why we had come and about God's love for her she said, "Excuse me, I want to say something." I said, "Sure." She went on to tell me that she had a dream last night. She said in this dream that someone had come to her house to tell her about Jesus and asked her if she want to know Him walk with Him. She said that when her husband heard about this he was not very happy at all. Then she said, "Now I am walking down this street and you are standing here and wanting to tell me about Jesus and how to know Him." After a few more minutes of sharing God's love for her, I asked her if she wanted to begin a relationship with God. She looked at me as if she were to say "of course". Right there in the middle of the street, we talked to God and she placed her faith and trust in Jesus Christ. He is so amazing! I know that angels in heaven were rejoicing! (Luke 15:10)

i know this trip will produce long term hope is so many lives from Eva's life to those precious children with special needs. And i can't wait to hear more stories and hold my handsome husband. The only thing i am sad about is that he was in Ethiopia (the airport) and didn't bring one of these home....

Oh and below is my beautiful Ugandan bouquet from my sweet hubby!


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